Page Title:
S.B.1198: An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in plants and plant products, providing for plant and pollinator protection; conferring powers and duties on the Department of Agriculture and Secretary of Agriculture; establishing the Plant and Pollinator Protection Committee and the Plant and Pollinator Protection Account; dissolving the Plant Pest Management Account; providing for violations and penalties; and making repeals.
Bill ID:
Bill Title:
An Act amending Title 3 (Agriculture) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, in plants and plant products, providing for plant and pollinator protection; conferring powers and duties on the Department of Agriculture and Secretary of Agriculture; establishing the Plant and Pollinator Protection Committee and the Plant and Pollinator Protection Account; dissolving the Plant Pest Management Account; providing for violations and penalties; and making repeals.
Bill Description:
Sponsors List
PA Sen. Carolyn Comitta (D-PA-019)
Status Text
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