Page Title: H.B.7496: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government — The Rhode Island Climate Change And Ocean Protection Youth Education And Workforce Development Act (Establishes The Rhode Island Climate Change And Ocean Protection Youth Education And Workforce Development Act.)
Bill ID: H.B.7496
Bill Title: An Act Relating To State Affairs And Government -- The Rhode Island Climate Change And Ocean Protection Youth Education And Workforce Development Act (Establishes The Rhode Island Climate Change And Ocean Protection Youth Education And Workforce Development Act.)
Bill Description: Environmental Education and Outdoor Learning
Sponsors List RI Rep. Tina Spears (D-RI-036), RI Rep. Jennifer Boylan (D-RI-066), RI Rep. Michelle McGaw (D-RI-071), RI Rep. Terri "Terri-Denise" Cortvriend (D-RI-072), RI Rep. Grace Diaz (D-RI-011), RI Rep. Karen Alzate (D-RI-060), RI Rep. Teresa Tanzi (D-RI-034), RI Rep. John "Jay" Edwards (D-RI-070), RI Rep. David Bennett (D-RI-020), RI Rep. Lauren Carson (D-RI-075)
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